Interesting Furniture Design – Bed

Every now and then I stumble on interesting furniture design. This time I have three bed design that I find interesting.

This is a Float bed design by Max Longin. A suspension bridge is his inspiration for this design. The foot of the bed is made of wooden rods and stainless steel bows and oak cones. The bed is designed to be dismantled for easier transport and the designer made it a point to design it in such as way that the furniture itself can serve as the cargo case.

Float Bed by Max Longin

Float Bed by Max Longin

Private Cloud by Manuel Kloker is a rocking bed but can also have an option to make it a stable bed with a foot stopper. While the stopper is positioned it can be slanted in varying degrees. According to the designer the bed consumes space lesser than any standard sized bed.

Private Cloud by Manuel Kloker

Private Cloud by Manuel Kloker

Fluttua by Daniele Lago is a floating bed supported by the wall and one stand at the bottom center of the bed.

Fluttua by Daniele Lago

Fluttua by Daniele Lago

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