Cooper-Hewitt gives out design awards every year and this year’s winner was announced on October 23 at the National Design Awards gala in New York City. There are 276 entries for the Design Award and here’s the top nominated entries; Zon Hearing Aid, Design Observer, Bennington Bookmarks, Inhabitat, Zip tie ring, Magno – wooden radio wr01/2bipod, JAVN Floor Design and Strida 5.0 bicycle. This years winner was not only judged by design gurus but also was voted online by anyone. People can nominate and vote for an example of good design.
Stuart Karten’s Zon Hearing Aid was announced the winner of 2008 Cooper-Hewitt People’s Design Award.
Stuart Karten designed this hearing aid for Starkey laboratories. Starkey wanted to achieve a design that will embody their superior technology. Stuart Karten’s Design Team worked closely with Starkey’s team of engineers to design and produce a product that marries form and function seamlessly.
The Zon Hearing aid is 1.3 inches long with high-gloss metallic paint finish with chrome accents. This product comes in 6 colors that will match the wearers hair and skin color making it inconspicuous.
The design of Zon Hearing aid will no longer be perceived as a medical equipment but a fashion statement.